Jump into toddler time.
This is for toddlers up to the age of first grade to have
their special time. The
program helps toddlers to learn to enjoy books and a story time
of their very own without competing with the older children.
Basic alphabet, colors, shapes, and letter recognition
are part of the planning process with this program.
So bring your toddler and enjoy this special time
Story time
Children’s story time usually covers stories being
read to them and introducing them to the wide world of books and
helping them to develop their imagination and develop social
skills at the same time. We
are not strict with age requirements here.
Our interest is that they have a positive experience with
books so they can become friends for life.
Crafts are sometimes exchanged with
story time and sometimes mixed according to the size and age of
the group.
Classes for Adults
This introduces the computer for our adults who have
not had a chance to spend much time with one.
The basics are taught here along with some lessons
referenced to Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel, and Access.
We also learn about e-mail and the ease of sending and
receiving it. Here
the class practices what they have learned and practice on
sending others in the class e-mail to get used to the procedures
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